In the stacks

Our “office area” has gotten out of control.  There- I’ve admitted it. 

There are files full of documents that need to organized, receipts that have been laying on the desk for weeks, and bills.  Lots of bills.  For as much as I like organization, I don’t like it when things feel out of control and require hours and hours to fix.  To make a sad situation even worse, our office desk now occupies a corner in our living room (since we needed room for baby #2) which means its in central living quarters.  Central living quarters= a convenient location for little hands and an eye sore for company.  Yes, its a sad sight our stacks of paper. 

I need to clean our office area.  Can you help?  One of you must have a brilliant idea on office organization?  I’m waitimg for it! 

For as much as I’m trying to keep myself on hold with house projects and decorating since the yard has a for sale sign in it… I think I should start looking for a used desk.  I solid piece.  And then I’d paint it.  Shocked, aren’t you?  I love-love-love painting.   Here are a few inspiration ideas for color: 


3 thoughts on “In the stacks

  1. I bet you could find a free our almost free desk on craigslist that you could paint. Make sure to look for one with at least one file drawer. The more storage, the better is my thinking.

  2. I’ve been there! Right before Kayden was born, I did “office” organizing. Basically it involved lots of paper shredding–hours and hours of shredding and bags and bags filled to throw away. I tried to organize by just going through mail right away, filing what needed to be filed, putting bills in a “to pay” folder and shredding right away. It sometimes works 🙂 I just recently went through another pile but haven’t done shredding in a while (yikes!). So I guess what I would suggest is getting a paper shredder if you don’t already have one and a filing system. I don’t think I have it figured out though. I think I need a pretty area to keep organized, like something from one of the pictures above.

  3. Hey, we were at World Market today just browsing around. They had some desks on sale. They also had a pretty neat idea. A tall bookshelf with several shelves. On each shelf they had a couple of woven baskets. That might be a good organization idea, and it looked really nice with the baskets. Maybe you can check out their website. Cathy

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